Australia Business Visa

Australia welcomes business people who can bring business skills and it offers various business visas that cater to individuals seeking to establish or manage a business, invest in the country, or engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Starting your own business in Australia may be one of the most exciting choices in your life. The potential rewards are significant, especially if you have researched the current business opportunities available in the Australian market.

The Australia Business Visa is initially granted for four years as a provisional visa. Once the business is established or the required level of investments is maintained, applicants are eligible to apply for permanent residency under this scheme.

This visa is for Business owners who have enjoyed success in their respective fields. It allows you to operate a new or an existing business in Australia. Upon satisfying the requirements, the business visa holders will qualify for the Permanent Residence Visa.

Australia Business Visa - Novus
Australia Business Visa - Novus

For all business visa applications, it is a requirement for the applicant to submit a detailed business proposal and demonstrate that they have sufficient assets to settle in Australia.


  1. Be under the age of 55.

  2. Own at least 30% of the nominated business.

  3. Annual Turnover of at least USD 385,000 for 2 years within the last 4 years. (Annual Turnover in AUD$ – 500,000)

  4. Combined Assets (wife, children) at least USD 616,000 (Combined Assets in AUD$ – 800,000)

If you are interested in establishing a business or investing in Australia, please click on the button below to provide us with some basic details